The Victorian High School Cancer Symposium (HSCS) is Australia’s premiere science event for high school students to learn about cancer and medical research. It is aimed at Year 10 Victorian high school students, though we warmly invite any interested students or teachers to attend. The main goals of HSCS are to:
- Showcase the ‘bench to bedside’ process of cancer research and therapy, as well as the impact of cancer on patients and their families;
- Provide a rare opportunity for students to experience life as a cancer researcher; and
- Inspire students to consider pursuing cancer research in the future; and
- Connect high school students with the research community.
With events such as guest presentations from world-renowned cancer researchers, laboratory tours of the facilities at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, networking sessions with figures from the research community, and patient experience sessions with cancer survivors, attendees should walk away from HSCS with a deeper insight into cancer and cancer research.
Registration for the 2022 Victorian HSCS have not yet opened. If you are interested in registering this year, please contact info@achsc.org.au to join our mailing list.
2018 HSCS video
Further information
- 2019 HSCS Program
- 2019 Student Information Pack (HSCS & HSCC)
- 2019 Teacher Information Pack (HSCS & HSCC)
- 2019 HSCS & HSCC Terms and Conditions
- HSCC Syllabus
For any other enquiries, please contact the ACHSC at info@achsc.org.au.